Saturday, August 18, 2012

Stll Napping

Tonight I saw "Still Napping" a theater production put on by Nicoll and Oreck Dance Theater @ the Performing Arts Center at Naropa.  The premise of this tale sounded intriguing--an examination of the current state of affairs of humans and their planet.

The piece was a mixed media production interweaving dance, piano, head-lamp play, music, voice-overs, some choreography and some simple but curious props.  Some poignant questions were posited by different members of the cast, such as "What if we are all in a trance? A consensus trance? Who can tell truth from falsehood anymore?"

However, these powerful questions weren't given enough space and were lost in a clattering of noises and interruptions. As my friend said, this performance felt a little bit like a car crash that you can't stop looking at.  Although that seems a little harsh, there were times when it would have been appreciated to have more clarity around what was happening. I found the performance disjointed and hard to understand. There were moments of coming together but overall I found the storyline hard to follow.  A worthy exploration but wish the meaning had been more clearly translated to the audience.

-- Olivia Katz

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